Brighton Dublin Grassroots Sport

Achieve your New Year’s resolutions through sport

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January is upon us and everyone is setting their New Year’s resolutions. For many that means hitting the gym, but we want to show you how sport can help you not only get fit, but achieve a whole host of other common resolutions.

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's resolutions

Exercise more/get fit

We’ll start with an obvious one. One of the most common New Year’s resolutions out there every year is to exercise more and improve fitness. Alongside a healthy diet, sport is proven to help people lose weight and get fit. Of course, you could just go to the gym, but why not take your workout session a step further by pitting yourself against an opponent? Or at the very least, motivating yourself by playing sport with a group of people rather than flying solo?


Socialise through sport

Another common resolution is to spend more time with friends and family. Sport is a great way of seeing that resolution through as you’re always playing with and/or against someone, whether it’s singles badminton, or 7-a-side football. Put some quality friend and family time in the diary by setting up a weekly game and making an event of it by heading to the pub or grabbing lunch after.


Perfect your technique

We’ve put a sporty spin on this popular resolution – learning a new skill. If you’re already a keen sports player, there’s always room for learning more. You might want to improve your skillset, whether that’s mastering the perfect drop shot or bringing your weak foot up to scratch. Practice makes perfect, so why not sneak in a few training sessions during the week to set you up for your next fixture?


Improve your wellbeing

January can be difficult for many, and it’s important to ensure you’re taking care of your mental health alongside your physical health. The good news is that sport can help you with both! Evidence supports that physical activity improves mood, reduces stress, builds self-esteem, and helps with depression and anxiety. Visit the Mental Health Foundation for more information of how exercise can improve your mental wellbeing.


If you’re ready to take on the new year, head to Playfinder to find and book pitches and courts near you. Book in January for your chance to win 50% off one booking a month in 2020. Find out more here.